About this world

Concept Art:Yuuri

Petalchime Capital Aulschnelule

Aulschnelule is the largest city of Mahola, and a place where many tribes gather and many events occur daily. We gather, work, and prosper together. At the heart of this town is a giant chimney powering the city with its steam engine. Twice a day, this indispensable structure emits its built-up steam in the shape of flowers. The rest are powered by the individual engines coming in many sizes, driven by the Mokuris, Hochumis, and Miminomis. They fuel their convenient lives by mining Chunkcoals from the Great Stone Cliff. The bazaar is always in high spirits thanks to the many lifeforms that dwell on this land. If you’re thinking about doing business, Lschne’s always welcome to have your store! However… secretly amidst the maturing civilization… buried deep down… One might find an underwater city made of sunken cogwheels and forgotten contraptions...

Petalchime Capital Aulschnelule

World Modeler:kelupuBGM Composer:Kago

Key Words:
Steam engine gears city

Spildsubmara: The Abandoned Seafloor City

World Modeler:kelupuBGM Composer:Kago

Key Words:
Abandoned machinery seafloor city coral reef flourishing shadows
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