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Vket Academy “Electro-charged School Festival!”

Concept Art:Tomida Tomomi

Vket Academy “Electro-charged School Festival!”

Welcome to Vket Academy, an all-grades integrated school where anyone can attend and learn! Today is the day of our annual School Festival! A day when crowds of visitors, students from the school and their friends and families gather for the grand festivities. Vket Academy students, staff, and friends worked day and night to put on this event, and thanks to everyone’s hard work, this is shaping up to be the best school festival ever! The festival will feature numerous stalls and performances, as well as a dance event for everyone in the evening! We hope you’ll join us for the festivities, and if you drop by then you may even encounter one of the “Seven Schoolground Mysteries”!

Vket Academy - Day

World Modeler:akiminBGM Composer:Tatsh

Key Words:
School festival daytime hours bustling

Vket Academy - Night

World Modeler:akiminBGM Composer:Tatsh

Key Words:
School festival night school event
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