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- Kakko Kagiyamak-tachi kagiyama branch【Quest】Cradle of Shooting Stars Metekolebka
Questeltov - North Room - Akaishi yeahdigital_kakifurai【Quest】Cradle of Shooting Stars Metekolebka
Questeltov - North Room - Haguruma Hatohatoya【Quest】Cradle of Shooting Stars Metekolebka
Questeltov - North Room - NicomalNicomal production room【Quest】Cradle of Shooting Stars Metekolebka
Questeltov - North Room - NoaaRopuppet end【Quest】Cradle of Shooting Stars Metekolebka
Questeltov - South Room - DokokanoUsagiDOKOKANO.COM【Quest】Cradle of Shooting Stars Metekolebka
Questeltov - North Room - Hibikine KageHikage Works【Quest】Cradle of Shooting Stars Metekolebka
Questeltov - South Room - Flower Of GoodFlower Shop【Quest】Cradle of Shooting Stars Metekolebka
Questeltov - North Room - kokoroyasasikibouzuKokoro Workshop Branch office【Quest】Cradle of Shooting Stars Metekolebka
Questeltov - South Room
【Quest】Cradle of Shooting Stars Metekolebka
This is Metekolebka, also known as the “Cradle of Shooting Stars.” You’ll find it next to a streaming river of star fragments, which the local creatures use to live harmoniously with nature. There are many shops in Metekolebka to accommodate the wide variety of species who live here. This is a returning concept world from Vket 5.
Key Words:
Kemono (Furries)
Irregular shapes
Key Words:
Kemono (Furries)
Irregular shapes