Concept Art:NarumiKazuki

【Quest】Edo Citadel Redux

Welcome, one and all! This is the flamboyant Edo Citadel of many towns! All our citizens are savvy and dashing, which is quite a fit for our virtual citadel, eh? Come on, you know you want to live in Edo Citadel Redux, too! You betcha this corner of town’s just as dazzling as the citadel center!

Edo Citadel East

World Modeler:KumagaikululuBGM Composer:Edo Lena,HAMA

Key Words:
Japanese style energetic stylish & smart

Edo Citadel West

World Modeler:KumagaikululuBGM Composer:Edo Lena,HAMA

Key Words:
Japanese style energetic stylish & smart
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