- takachihoOTANAMASA Shopping streetPoppin' Jump
Neon Purple - Alpha - NosjoNosjoPoppin' Jump
Neon Purple - Alpha - Neutrino_GammaBlender BustersPoppin' Jump
Neon Purple - Alpha - hinokenI am Hinoken.Poppin' Jump
Neon Purple - Alpha - FELIETTAForgotten NightmarePoppin' Jump
Neon Purple - Mue - KamoshikaKamoshika - FractalPoppin' Jump
Neon Purple - Gamma - ChildChildFactoryPoppin' Jump
Neon Purple - Gamma - TERUMIKOTCYSPoppin' Jump
Neon Purple - Gamma - VirtuaLillyVirtuaProductionsPoppin' Jump
Neon Purple - Gamma - bironistbironistPoppin' Jump
Neon Purple - Sigma - SeaponSeapon FactoryPoppin' Jump
Neon Purple - Sigma - komericeKomericePoppin' Jump
Neon Purple - Sigma - MISAKURAMisakurayasanPoppin' Jump
Neon Purple - Mue - izumi koutarouGarbageCollectionPoppin' Jump
Neon Purple - Mue - NyarberaIRONMAGICAPoppin' Jump
Neon Purple - Mue - skknGoat CanneryPoppin' Jump
Neon Purple - Omega - yohawingMade in YohawingPoppin' Jump
Neon Purple - Omega - dokkoiKotatsu HonpoPoppin' Jump
Neon Purple - Omega - VRC GyaruCirVRC Gyaruc CirclePoppin' Jump
Neon Purple - Omega
Poppin' Jump
Pop into the world of Poppin’ Jump, where neon gleams in the midnight and you surrender to the rhythm of the beat. It all starts with a sphere -- imagine your ideal world, open the sphere, and that world flows out of it. This world jumps out and fills the space with glimmering lights and rhythms! Poppin’ Jump is an exhibit space where you are able to summon spaces using the process similar to the Default Cubes. We hope you enjoy the venue’s dynamic rhythms and having the spaces you summon appear from the broken sphere. The spaces will be quite impressive at a size of 10 meters wide, long, and tall. We expect to see spaces including VR concerts, art exhibitions, world kits, creations by maker groups, and more. The space has limitless possibilities -- it’s up to you how you use it!
Neon Purple
Rich Gold