About this world

Concept Art:NarumiKazuki

Edo Citadel Redux

Welcome, one and all! This is the flamboyant city of many towns: Edo Citadel Redux! You could say that housefires and fistfights are the staple of this town, with its citizens being daredevils who’re quick to pick a fight. But I tell ya, the folks here are all compassionate. During the day, you’ll find merchants, samurais, and straight-laced artisans, all looking to make a living. And at night, they head out into the flourishing night streets to drink, play, and spend them all! Our citizens are all stylish in nature and smart about their actions, quite suiting for our virtual citadel eh? Come on, you know you want to live in Edo Citadel Redux, too! Go ahead and give that wooden board a try! What’d they call it again? The “Conso-oru?” Atta boy! Now that wasn’t so hard hm? As long as you follow what Big Mother has to say with her “Puro-jekto”, you can live without a care in the world!

Edo Citadel

World Modeler:KumagaikululuBGM Composer:Edo Lena,HAMA

Key Words:
Japanese style energetic stylish & smart food stalls

Edo Hanamachi

World Modeler:KumagaikululuBGM Composer:Edo Lena,HAMA

Key Words:
Red light district geisha paper lanterns
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