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- ckOMISEDESUValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Muddy Bottom - horousaHorousamatoluneValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Muddy Bottom - AtakamoATAKAMOValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Muddy Bottom - S-ThurkThurk Creative roomValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Muddy Bottom - Akuta FujisakiDust_enValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Muddy Bottom - SahkertSahketValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Muddy Bottom - hakusiHakusiShopValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Muddy Bottom - sotyokokusyokukansouchoValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Greedy Black Market - MittsuSciKaleidoValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Chaotic Market - IORIMAMOBUValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Chaotic Market - AyyMangAyyMangValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Chaotic Market - stGaraku-doValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Chaotic Market - PROTOCOPROTOCO-LValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Chaotic Market - hasunamiH.S.wavesValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Chaotic Market - MurakamipolygonslumValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Chaotic Market - HakuyuHAKUA Heavy IndustryValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Chaotic Market - Tanaka_TarouPanPanCreamPieValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Smoky Ruin - D_DrivejunkyWORLD garageValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Smoky Ruin - furarannFullaran WorkshopValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Smoky Ruin - SprawlKokyouValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Smoky Ruin - Messier NumberSaltrocheValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Smoky Ruin - IKEYANMatiyagwaValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Smoky Ruin - AraiRacuRacoonStudioValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Dusty Square - akiminakimin studioValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Dusty Square - ReisakiReisaki LabValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Dusty Square - WabisabiWasabiD-Tech'sValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Dusty Square - ParlerKOICRKOIMONOGATARIValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Dusty Square - YakiikaYakiika's research labValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Greedy Black Market - tikuwabu_odenImitatedArtifactsCollectingStationValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Greedy Black Market - Feedback03FLASTOREValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Greedy Black Market - amaumisakuyaAmaumi home shopValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Greedy Black Market - mofyueinariValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Warehouse of Dreams - Ayabe MisotsukiTanukitsu Net ShoppingValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Warehouse of Dreams - CTCTYOCTCTYOValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Warehouse of Dreams - ChakinkunFrankFactory+Valhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Warehouse of Dreams - Teruaki TsubokuraTsubokuLabValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Warehouse of Dreams - FetaFermented cheese studioValhalla of Iron Ravens
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums - Warehouse of Dreams
Valhalla of Iron Ravens
Valhalla of Iron Ravens. A fight to the death for giant robots, held for the sole purpose of satisfying the vanity of conglomerates that divide and rule this world, and to provide entertainment full of ostentation. AI-driven machines slaved on in this snobbish wargame as mere tools. Yet, it’s by human nature that these technological exhibitions leave us unsatisfied. This is the only chance for the underclass of cheaper machine labor to crawl up the hierarchy, man the mechs, and fight to survive! Here awaits the battleground of steel and sparks, veiled in the fluttering dust. All this to break free from Rock Bottom.
Machina: The Steel Arena
Key Words:
Gigantic mechs
dust storm
Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums
Key Words:
scrap heaps
trash heap in the daytime