About this world

Concept Art:HagurumaRapt

Valhalla of Iron Ravens

Valhalla of Iron Ravens. A fight to the death for giant robots, held for the sole purpose of satisfying the vanity of conglomerates that divide and rule this world, and to provide entertainment full of ostentation. AI-driven machines slaved on in this snobbish wargame as mere tools. Yet, it’s by human nature that these technological exhibitions leave us unsatisfied. This is the only chance for the underclass of cheaper machine labor to crawl up the hierarchy, man the mechs, and fight to survive! Here awaits the battleground of steel and sparks, veiled in the fluttering dust. All this to break free from Rock Bottom.

Machina: The Steel Arena

World Modeler:arikuiroomBGM Composer:K Masera

Key Words:
Gigantic mechs arena battlefield weaponry bullets artillery dust storm skyscrapers

Rock Bottom: The Shanty Slums

World Modeler:arikuiroomBGM Composer:K Masera

Key Words:
Slum scrap heaps warehouses containers unsafe underdeveloped trash heap in the daytime
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