

This sound player will play a sound upon Interact or Player’s entry to the booth (OnEnterTrigger). Simultaneously, the prefab will fade out the world BGM.

You may set whether or not to apply fade in effect for the sound.

The sound will be played locally, stops when the player left the booth, and the world BGM will return with fade in effect.

You can use the AudioSource with 0 (2D) SpacialBand only with this Prefab.

About the sound volume

Please adjust the Volume of the AudioSource or the sound source file by referring to the sample sound source file packaged together.

The organizers may adjust the file if the sound is excessively louder than expected.

  • Reference: specifications of the sample sound source file
  • Loudness value: -14LUFS(Ceiling is -3.0dB)
  • Export setting: .ogg -128kbps

How to use

Drag and drop the Prefab inside the Dynamic object of the Hierarchy.


Select the AudioSource object inside the Prefab and drag and drop the source file you want to play to the AudioClip on Inspector.


Interact adjustment

By default the Prefab has a Box Collider of 1 meter cube. Adjust the Box Collider size or add Cube inside VketSoundFade that function as switch to change the appearance of Interact.

On Booth Fading

If you turn on the On Booth Fading, it will play sound upon player’s entry to the space.


If you want the sound to play only automatically without control with the buttons, please uncheck the Box Collider component and deactivate it.
