

This VideoPlayer will play a video upon Interact or Player’s entry to the space.

The hitbox of player entry will be set by the Vket Organizers. You can not modify the area.

Please write the URL of the video on the VketVideoPlayer object. You are not to upload and submit the video file itself.

The video will be played on local and stops when the player leave the booth.

Limitation: only 1 per 1 booth can be used.

How to use

Select the Prefab you want to use and place it inside the Dynamic object of the Hierarchy.


Select the VideoPlayer object inside the Prefab and input the video URL you want to play into Video Url on the Inspector.


Note: Input the URL in the “Video Url” inside the Udon Behaviour (Script) component, not the VRC Unity Video Player component.


Note: Due to limitations of VRChat, players can only watch videos on permitted websites such as YouTube without explicit settings on player's part.

Please input URL in the whitelist like youtube.com. You may find the whitelist below.


Video Auto Play

If you want the video to play upon player’s entry to the space, check On Booth Play of the Udon Behaviour (Script) component.


By ticking this checkbox, the Interacts buttons (for manual play) inside VideoPlayer will be automatically disabled.

Appearance adjustment

You may modify the appearance of the prefab.

  • image to be shown when the video is not played
    • Set image on the Disabled Player Texture in the VketVideoPlayer object.


  • Position of the screen and button
    • Adjust the locations of the Screen object and InteractVisual object.