Crayon Shin-chan
Crayon Shin-chan
Shin-chan is here to play at Vket! Come to the virtual store designed after the Crayon Shin-chan series, where 3D character avatars for Shinnosuke and Buriburizaemon 3D avatars are on sale. Other character panels, posters and videos will be exhibited outside the shop. Visit the booth and take a photo with Shin-chan!
- OtherCharacter panelParareal City
Parareal Akihabara - Electric Town Gate - PosterPostersParareal City
Parareal Akihabara - Electric Town Gate - MovieVideoParareal City
Parareal Akihabara - Electric Town Gate - AvatarSellingShinnosuke avatarParareal City
Parareal Akihabara - Electric Town Gate - AvatarSellingBuriburizaemon avatarParareal City
Parareal Akihabara - Electric Town Gate